TechLab - téma inovativního obchodu s elektronikou WooCommerce

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shoppingBag Prodej: 37


Created: 20. 10. 2016

Updated: 20. 10. 2016

ID: 61303

og体育首页ONE - Neomezené stahování pro $12.40/měsíc

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TechLab - téma inovativního obchodu s elektronikou WooCommerce - Features Image 1TechLab - téma inovativního obchodu s elektronikou WooCommerce - Features Image 2TechLab - téma inovativního obchodu s elektronikou WooCommerce - Features Image 3TechLab - téma inovativního obchodu s elektronikou WooCommerce - Features Image 4TechLab - téma inovativního obchodu s elektronikou WooCommerce - Features Image 5TechLab - téma inovativního obchodu s elektronikou WooCommerce - Features Image 6TechLab - téma inovativního obchodu s elektronikou WooCommerce - Features Image 7TechLab - téma inovativního obchodu s elektronikou WooCommerce - Features Image 8TechLab - téma inovativního obchodu s elektronikou WooCommerce - Features Image 9TechLab - téma inovativního obchodu s elektronikou WooCommerce - Features Image 10TechLab - téma inovativního obchodu s elektronikou WooCommerce - Features Image 11TechLab - téma inovativního obchodu s elektronikou WooCommerce - Features Image 12TechLab - téma inovativního obchodu s elektronikou WooCommerce - Features Image 13TechLab - téma inovativního obchodu s elektronikou WooCommerce - Features Image 14TechLab - téma inovativního obchodu s elektronikou WooCommerce - Features Image 15TechLab - téma inovativního obchodu s elektronikou WooCommerce - Features Image 16TechLab - téma inovativního obchodu s elektronikou WooCommerce - Features Image 17TechLab - téma inovativního obchodu s elektronikou WooCommerce - Features Image 18TechLab - téma inovativního obchodu s elektronikou WooCommerce - Features Image 19

2 Reviews for this product

The service is terrible. Everytime I ask for support I waste about an hour trying to explain the problem to someone who doesn't even speak english before being told to submit a ticket and wait 24hrs. The logo design is pathetic. And the theme is subpar. Don't waste your time.
We regret that the template you've purchased didn't work according to your expectations. If you could please provide us with some more detailed information regarding the issues you are having with the product and we will be more than happy to dig into it further in order to resolve any problems that you may be having. Again, we apologize for any inconveniences that this may have caused you and we hope to hear from you soon. You have a ticket DXW-581-82487.
I am from China ,it is the third time for me to buy from them,they always have a great customer service ,you can contact them at any time ,they are always there to help you resolve issues.And their template is very nice design ,i am not web design ,only for my personal website use .the code is clean ,i do not have any skills to use and operate it .That is why i buy from them not in China.

0 Comments for this product

O autorovi

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Customer Support

4,1 /5
Support rating (276 ratings) This rating is based on feedback from customers who have received support from the author of this product. 5 201 4 12 3 6 2 6 1 51
Response Time: Normal This value represents the average response time to a client's inquiry or request.


Související témata:

Prodejna elektroniky, Elektronika

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