Elektro – elektronika a Mega Shop Víceúčelový obchod Elementor WooCommerce Store

6 months of support Spolu s produktem získáte podporu během 6 měsíců od autora. Chcete-li se dozvědět více podrobností, přečtěte si pravidla podpory.

shoppingBag Prodej: 90


Created: 6. 9. 2021

Updated: 10. 9. 2024

ID: 198900

og体育首页ONE - Neomezené stahování pro $12.40/měsíc

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Elektro – elektronika a Mega Shop Víceúčelový obchod Elementor WooCommerce Store - Features Image 1


August 21, 2024:

  • Update core plugin to 3.0.7
  • Update avanam theme to 1.4.4

April 18, 2024:

  • Changed all files and whole file structures
  • Need to reinstall theme
  • Major Release 2.0.0

June 29, 2023:

  • Changed sample data in the electro_customizer_export.dat, electro_widgets_settings.wie, electro_wordpress.xml file, located Sample Data directory
  • Solved some miscellaneous CSS bugs with the theme layout
  • Update WordPress Version
  • Update Revolution Slider

8 Reviews for this product

I love you guys, keep up the good work and mostly: the fast support!
Thank you so much for the feedback! We really appreciate it :)
helpful and kind developer, the theme works, I needed several interventions from them, they were very kind
Thank you so much for the feedback! We really appreciate it :)
For a non-woocommerce-expert this is a very good template. And if you have an issue or question the assistance is helpful and quick
Thank you so much for the kind review! We really appreciate it :)
Tutto perfetto, assistenza veloce, ottimo servizio, grazie!!!!!
Thank you so much for the kind review! We really appreciate it :)
Nice theme, cool options. Had some problems with my license upgrade and it took almost a week before problems were solved so that's why it's not 5 star.
Thank you for the feedback! for License upgrade We have checked the ticket and resolved within 24 hours.

0 Comments for this product

O autorovi

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Customer Support

4,6 /5
Support rating (133 ratings) This rating is based on feedback from customers who have received support from the author of this product. 5 114 4 7 3 2 2 0 1 10
Response Time: Fast This value represents the average response time to a client's inquiry or request.
Support Maverik Support Maverik
